

Tuesday Tunes & A Minor Food Freakout

As you may or may not have heard, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are coming out with a new album at the end of August. If you're looking for more information, I'm sure unRonic would be happy to engage in a lengthy discussion with you on this topic. I, on the other hand, will just leave you with the first single. Have played it about ten times in the past hour.

On an unrelated note, here are three words to describe why my job rocks:

Pinch is a new catering company whose business we might utilize in upcoming events. To better acquaint us with their services, they've invited us to a complimentary tasting tomorrow afternoon. 

Uuum, what?

Er, excuse me. I mean...

Miso eggplant egg roll

The spices...

Korean banchan

The desserts...

Beet red velvet cake

The drinks...

Basil gin-ger limeade

I'm simply flabbergasted.

Kimchi bloody mary

Their menu includes butternut squash creme brulee, PB&J funnel cake, broccoli souffle, thyme brioche toast...poking around their website has obviously left me drooling on my keyboard.

But it's not just their culinary offerings that make me gush. I'm also completely infatuated with their design. Simple use of typography, plenty of breathing room and a killer Contact page. An edible and visual feast? Hello, heaven.

When it comes to design, I almost always tend to favor simplicity over complexity. Meghan over at Design Morsels captured this reasoning very well in her comparison of movie posters.

Please note, all photos are property of Pinch. I, unfortunately, have not had the privilege of getting this close to their menu items. Yet.

1 comment:

  1. YUM! Gotta love when a job has little perks. I work at a cheese counter and it's "my job" to know what all the cheeses taste like so my boss encourages me to taste, taste, taste. I'd hate to be insubordinate. =P

    I just got your reply on the Yes & Yes Every Buddy Board, btw. I took quite a few pictures of our time in Kansas City! The "best" them are in my Flickr set (http://www.flickr.com/photos/52985700@N08/sets/72157624736807187/with/4950134867/) and I have a few dozen more on my computer. Stop by my blog or drop me a line if you want to use any of them; I'd be flattered!


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